Monday, December 13, 2010

I finally finished the Christmas sweater I knit for my mom. It’s not actually a “Christmas sweater” but rather a sweater for Christmas. J I had it finished (the first time) back in early November. It’s one of those knit-in-one-piece patterns – knit from one arm through the body and ending with the opposite arm. Apparently I missed a few inches of knitting about 1/3rd into the pattern and didn’t notice it until I had completely finished it, ends tucked in an all. Needless to say, it was a bit off! I had to rip back 2/3rds of the sweater and start again.

Mom is nearing 86 years old and has shrunk down to a petite small (and just barely) so to rip it back and remake such a tiny garment only took a few evenings. It does not fall into the usual type of clothing she wears, but I think she’ll like it. In case you're wondering, that's not her in the photo!

The pattern is from the spring issue of Interweave Knits. I loved making it (twice!) and may make another for the shop.

Stay warm & happy knitting!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your mom will love it! The color is beautiful! That's to bad you had to do it twice, but then that;s twice the love sent.
Renae :)