Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our fall line-up

Introducing our last 3 cria for 2011:

Bullet's Thunderbolt (Silver Bullet x ChiChi) arrived October 15 while were at a nearby Farmer's Market participating in the Harvest Festival. ChiChi was meant to give us a girl this year, but hey, we'll take this one - he's adorable and we love his color and markings. 

November 16 brought us Bullet's Jolie (Bullet x Maya) and we couldn't be happier with this little gal! With all the grey in Maya's background we hoped for grey but this true black beauty has made us very happy! She's loaded with presence and has spring curls galore. 
Last to arrive on October 18, but the most exciting was Royal Izabella (Royal Crest x Cloudy) ... why?? Because she's Cloudy's 4th cria and her first GIRL!! She's perfect from head to toe and sports absolutely luscious fleece thanks to both parents, just as we expected!!!! Yippeeeee!! 

We are thankful for all of our cria this year and cannot wait until spring to have a few more. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Warmest regards, Liz