Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Loads of fun on the farm!

Holy Moley! I've been busy lately!!

We’ve had a few crias arrive and await 2 more (what are they waiting for?). The first arrival was Megabuck’s Maximilion who is just awesome!! He’s out of our beautiful Mohana and a black herdsire from Washington. We expect him to grow up to be just like his daddy! So far, he’s looking great – very soft and curly; very upright with loads of presence.

Our second arrival was Caramello’s Tyra Bank’s – her daddy is our own Chumani. Cara and Tyra will be moving to New York soon but we are enjoying her while she’s here. She’s full of spunk and likes to sneak up and nibble on your clothing. Quite the little personality. Of course both moms are doing great and very proud of their little darlin’s!

We sheared our herd on May 3 and May 10 with only 1 dam left and 3 crias (once they all arrive). I'm halfway through skirting them and look forward to choosing what goes to the mill and what I will "attempt" to make time to process myself. I *do* have to spend some time just admiring and running my hands through the fleeces. I'm really pleased with them again this year!!
This coming weekend, Lee will be shearing at Prairie Trail Farm in Goshen, and I'll be demonstrating drop spindle and carding on a drum carder. If you can make it, stop on out! Prairie Trail has the cutest gift shop and greenhouse and is just a lovely spot altogether. We’ll be there from 10 until 2 shearing. A few of our maidens will accompany us – Nugget, Hottie & Rain – their first day off the farm! View PT's website at: http://www.prairietrailfarm.com/

I’m working on finishing my Central Park Hoodie wool version. It’s all done except one arm which needs to be attached. I left it off intentionally because it fit so perfect that I wanted to get my alpaca version knit up to the same length. That done, I’ll be finishing the wool one and washing – I can’t wait to feel the difference in that scratchy wool once washed! It’s really pretty and I’m dying to show it off next winter – ha!

Bye for now! I’ll try not to be so long with my updates.
